Almaty Hotels

Lermontov Russian State Academic Theatre

The Russian Academic Drama Theater named after Lermontov was built and has been operating since 1969, and since 1972 there has been a museum at the theater telling about theatrical productions, history, the work of actors and directors. Since the first theatrical season (1933), a lot of exhibits have been collected.

Performances in Russian are held in the large and small hall all days except Monday. It is on this day that the Tengri-Umai Gallery, which is located in the foyer of the theater, hosts presentations of works by contemporary Kazakhstani artists. The collections of the gallery "Tengri-Umai" began to be created in 1990, and today it has more than three hundred works of modern art: paintings, graphics, sculpture, installations, etc.

There is also a souvenir shop in the theater at the gallery, which will be of interest to guests of the capital.