Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

You can get acquainted with the history of the city in detail in the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, which is located on Furmanova Street opposite the southern residence of the President. Its rectangular three—storey building is decorated with nine tent-shaped domes, the largest dome is located in the center, and eight smaller ones are around its perimeter. The combination of white facing stone of bright blue domes looks elegantly light. In front of the museum building there is a small square with small ponds, stone bridges, stone compositions and weeping willows.
The museum has the richest collection of Kazakhstan, consisting of 120 thousand exhibits of the permanent exhibition, located in four huge halls and 200 thousand in the museum's funds. They reflect the history of Kazakhstan since ancient times. Here you can see traditional clothes, jewelry of Kazakhs and peoples living in Kazakhstan, get acquainted with their way of life and art. Interesting photos telling about the past of the city. About the earthquakes of 1887 and 1910, about the powerful mud-stone stream that descended along the bed of the Malaya Almatinka River in 1921.
Even if you are not particularly interested in history, you can visit several small shops in the museum building that sell carpets, souvenirs, jewelry, paintings and sculptures. The museum is open from 10-00 to 18-00 all days except Tuesdays.

Almaty - Sights of Interest
- Green Bazaar
- Kok-tyube and TV tower
- Kasteyev Museum of Fine Arts.
- State Museum of Kazakh Musical Instruments.
- New Square and the Monument of Independence.
- Panfilov Park
- Lermontov Russian State Academic Theatre
- Svjato-Voznesenski Orthodox Cathedral
- Abay State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre
- Central Mosque of Almaty
- Central State Museum of Kazakhstan